K-9440 Activation

I wanted to get out this morning to do some hiking. Work has been pretty hectic lately, so I tossed my QRP gear in the truck, and headed north. My target today was the Tummonds State Nature Preserve in Mantua, OH. I’ve not found a parking area for this one. The only two ways in seem to be either via canoe on the Cuyahoga River, or hike-in. My favorite is to hike-in from the Rotary Esker Trail in Mantua. See my post “So, Where is K-9440?” on this site.

My radio for this trip was the Xiegu G106, which I refer to as my “Piece of Crap” rig. This is because of some Youtube “reviews” that have been bashing this rig. I think it’s a cool little rig, and puts out a good 6W signal on CW, and SSB. I haven’t (and probably won’t) tried out the digital, or AM yet.

Today’s antenna was a homebrew 40-10 EFHW The feedpoint was a couple feet off the ground, and sloped up to about 15′ after taking a couple twists & turns.

My setup today

The paddle is a CW Morse paddle that I bought off of Gigaparts. Nice paddle for less than $50.

The weather wasn’t too bad today. Not a cloud in the sky, and temps in the 20’s. In the end, I had a bit over 40 contacts in the log. The G106 seems to be a capable little rig for portable ops. I’m looking forward to a lot more contacts with it.

Yeah, I have a FT-891, but sometimes, the QRP rig is just easier to set up. 73 all DE WG8X



